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Soil Mechanics
  • Lateral earth pressure
  • Soil consolidation
  • Effective and total stresses
  • Bearing capacity
  • Foundation settlement
  • Slope stability
Site Layout and Development
  • Layout and control (e.g., staking, benchmarks, elevations)
  • Basic horizontal and vertical curve elements (e.g., middle ordinate, length, chord, radius)
  • Site investigations (e.g., adjacent structures and properties, utilities)
Material Properties
  • Soil, rock and aggregates (e.g., boring log interpretation, classification, strength, permeability, compressibility)
  • Concrete (e.g., mix design, admixtures, proportioning)
  • Steel (e.g., structural, reinforcement, prestressed)
  • Wood (e.g., sawn, engineered)
Estimating Quantities and Costs
  • Quantity take-off methods
  • Cost estimating
  • Engineering economic analysis (e.g., cost analysis for resource selection, break-even, net-present value, life-cycle costing)
  • Work measurement and productivity (e.g., earned value)
Project Planning and Scheduling
  • Construction sequencing
  • Activity time analysis
  • Project schedule analysis (e.g., network analysis, critical path method, linear schedules)
  • Resource scheduling and leveling
  • Time–cost trade-off
Material, Production, and Execution Quality Control
  • Material test methods and specification conformance
  • Weld and bolt installation
  • Quality control process (QA/QC)
  • Concrete placement
  • Concrete maturity and early strength evaluation
  • Compaction (e.g., soils, asphalt, aggregates)
Structural Mechanics
  • Loads (e.g., dead, live, construction, wind, preloading)
  • Statics and stresses (e.g., bending, shear, axial, combined, deflection)
  • Structural members (e.g., beams, columns, one-way slabs)
  • Structural systems (e.g., foundations, retaining walls, trusses, frames, two-way slabs, slab-on-grade)
Hydraulics and Hydrology
  • Stormwater collection and drainage (e.g., open-channel flow, culvert, storm sewer, watersheds)
  • Storm characteristics and runoff analysis (e.g., rational and SCS/NRCS methods, types of flow, flow characteristics, hydrographic application, erosion control, runoff time of concentration, storm frequency, rainfall measurement and distribution)
  • Detention/retention ponds
Construction Operations and Methods
  • Lifting and rigging
  • Crane stability (e.g., stability, outrigger loads, lifting capacity, crane types)
  • Dewatering and pumping
  • Equipment operations (e.g., selection, production, economics)
  • Deep foundation installation
  • Excavation and embankment (e.g., cut and fill analysis, borrow pit volume, haul distances)
Design for Support of Construction Loads
  • Formwork
  • Falsework and scaffolding
  • Shoring and reshoring
  • Bracing and anchorage
  • Support of excavation
  • Construction loads on permanent structures (e.g., erection analysis, equipment loading)
Health and Safety
  • OSHA construction and industry regulations and safety management
  • Work zone and public safety including maintenance of traffic
Site Characterization
  • Identification, validation, and interpretation of site data and proposed site development data (e.g., aerial photography, geologic and topographic maps, GIS and geotechnical data, as-built plans, planning studies and reports)
  • Subsurface exploration planning
  • Exploration techniques (e.g., hollow stem auger, cased boring, mud rotary, air rotary, rock coring, sonic drilling, Cone Penetrometer Test, geophysics, and test pits)
  • Sampling techniques (e.g., split-barrel sampling, thin-walled tube sampling, handling and storage)
  • In situ testing (e.g., standard penetration testing, cone penetration testing, pressure meter testing, dilatometer testing, field vane shear)
  • Description and classification of soils (e.g., Burmeister, Unified Soil Classification System, AASHTO, USDA)
  • Rock classification and characterization (e.g., recovery, rock quality designation, RMR, weathering, orientation)
  • Groundwater exploration, sampling, and characterization
Soil Mechanics, Laboratory Testing, and Analysis
  • Soil phase relationship and index property
  • Chemical, electrical, and thermal properties (e.g., non-HAZMAT)
  • Stress in soil mass (e.g., total, effective)
  • Stress/strain, strength
  • Permeability (e.g., falling head test, constant head test, grain-size correlations)
Construction Observation, Monitoring, and Quality Assurance/Quality Control 6–9 and Safety
  • Earthwork (e.g., excavation, subgrade preparation, lab and field compaction, borrow studies, fill placement)
  • Trench and construction safety
  • Geotechnical instrumentation (e.g., inclinometer, settlement plates, piezometer, vibration monitoring)
  • Temporary and permanent soil erosion and scour protection measures
Earthquake Engineering and Dynamic Loads
  • Seismic site characterization
  • Seismic analyses and design (e.g., liquefaction, pseudo static, earthquake loads)
Earth Structures, Ground Improvement, and Pavement
  • Ground improvement (e.g., grouting, soil mixing, preconsolidation/wick drains, lightweight materials, lime/cement stabilization, rigid inclusions, aggregate piers)
  • Geosynthetic applications (e.g., separation, strength, filtration, drainage, reinforced soil slopes, internal stability of MSE)
  • Slope stability evaluation and slope stabilization
  • Embankments, earth dams, and levees (e.g., stress, settlement)
  • Landfills and caps (e.g., interface stability, settlements, lining systems)
  • Pavement and slab-on-grade design (e.g., rigid, flexible, porous, unpaved)
  • Utility design and construction
Groundwater and Seepage
  • Dewatering, seepage analysis, groundwater flow, and impact on nearby structures
  • Drainage design/infiltration and seepage control
Problematic Soil and Rock Conditions
  • Karst, collapsible, expansive, peat, organic, and sensitive soils
  • Reactive/corrosive soils (e.g., identification, protective measures)
  • Frost susceptibility
  • Rock slopes and rockfalls
Retaining Structures (ASD or LRFD)
  • Lateral earth pressure and load distribution
  • Rigid retaining wall analysis (e.g., CIP, gravity, external stability of MSE, soil nail, crib, bin)
  • Cantilevered, anchored, and braced retaining wall analysis (e.g., soldier pile and lagging, sheet pile, secant pile, tangent pile, diaphragm walls, temporary support of excavation, and beams and column elements)
  • Cofferdams
  • Underpinning methods and effects on adjacent infrastructure
  • Ground anchors
Shallow Foundations (ASD or LRFD)
  • Bearing capacity
  • Settlement, including vertical stress distribution
Deep Foundations (ASD or LRFD)
  • Geotechnical and structural capacity and settlement of deep foundations (e.g., driven pile, drilled shaft, micropile, helical screw piles, auger cast piles, beam/column)
  • Lateral capacity and deformation of deep foundations
  • Installation methods
  • Static and dynamic load testing
  • Integrity testing methods
Analysis of Structures–Loads and Load Applications
  • Dead loads
  • Live loads
  • Construction loads
  • Wind loads
  • Seismic loads
  • Moving loads (e.g., vehicular, cranes)
  • Snow, rain, ice
  • Impact loads
  • Earth pressure and surcharge loads
  • Tributary areas and load paths (e.g., lateral and vertical)
  • Load combinations
Analysis of Structures–Forces and Load Effects
  • Diagrams (e.g., shear and moment)
  • Axial (e.g., tension and compression)
  • Shear
  • Flexure
  • Deflection
  • Special topics (e.g., torsion, buckling, fatigue, progressive collapse, thermal deformation, bearing)
Temporary structures and other topics
  • Special inspections
  • Submittals
  • Formwork, falsework, scaffolding, shoring and reshoring, bracing, and anchorage
  • Impact of construction on adjacent facilities
  • Safety (e.g., construction, roadside, work zone)
Design and Details of Structures–Materials and Material Properties
  • Soil classification and soil properties (e.g., strength, permeability, compressibility, phase relationships)
  • Concrete (e.g., unreinforced, reinforced, cast-in-place, precast, pre-tensioned, post-tensioned)
  • Steel (e.g., structural, cold-formed)
  • Timber
  • Masonry (e.g., brick veneer, CMU)
  • Material test methods and specification conformance (e.g., concrete, steel, masonry, timber, other construction materials)
Design and Details of Structures–Component Design and Detailing
  • Horizontal members (e.g., beams, slabs, diaphragms, struts)
  • Vertical members (e.g., columns, bearing walls, shear walls)
  • Systems (e.g., trusses, braces, frames, composite construction)
  • Connections (e.g., bolted, welded, bearing, embedded, anchored, post-installed anchors)
  • Shallow foundations (e.g., footings, combined footings, slabs, mats)
  • Deep foundations (e.g., piers, piles, caissons, drilled shafts)
  • Retaining walls
Project Management
  • Quantity and cost estimating
  • Project schedules (e.g., activity identification and sequencing)
  • Economic analysis (e.g., present worth, lifecycle costs)
Traffic Engineering (Capacity Analysis, Transportation Planning, and Safety Analysis)
  • Uninterrupted flow (e.g., level of service [LOS], capacity)
  • Street segment interrupted flow (e.g., level of service [LOS], running time, travel speed)
  • Intersection capacity (e.g., at grade, signalized, roundabout, interchange)
  • Traffic analysis (e.g., volume studies, peak hour factor, speed studies, modal split, trip generation, traffic impact studies)
  • Traffic safety analysis (e.g., conflict analysis, crash rates, collision diagrams)
  • Nonmotorized facilities analysis (e.g., pedestrian, bicycle)
  • Traffic forecasts and monitoring
  • Highway safety analysis (e.g., crash modification factors, Highway Safety Manual)
Roadside and Cross-Section Design
  • Forgiving roadside concepts (e.g., clear zone, recoverable slopes, roadside obstacles)
  • Barrier design (e.g., barrier types, end treatments, crash cushions)
  • Cross-section elements (e.g., lane widths, shoulders, bike lane, sidewalks)
  • Nonmotorized design considerations (e.g., shared-use paths, bicycle facilities, pedestrian facilities, ADA compliance, traffic-calming features)
Horizontal Design
  • Basic curve elements (e.g., middle ordinate, length, chord, radius)
  • Sight distance considerations
  • Superelevation (e.g., rate, transitions, method, components)
  • Special horizontal curves (e.g., compound/reverse curves, curve widening, coordination with vertical geometry)
Vertical Design
  • Vertical alignment (e.g., geometrics, vertical clearance)
  • Stopping and passing sight distance (e.g., crest curve, sag curve)
Intersection Geometry
  • Intersection sight distance
  • Interchanges (e.g., freeway merge, entrance and exit design, horizontal design, vertical design)
  • At-grade intersection layout, including roundabouts
Traffic Signals
  • Traffic signal timing (e.g., clearance intervals, phasing, pedestrian crossing timing, railroad preemption)
  • Traffic signal warrants
  • Traffic signal design
Traffic Control Design
  • Permanent signs and pavement markings
  • Temporary traffic control
Geotechnical and Pavement
  • Sampling, testing, evaluation, and soil stabilization techniques (e.g., soil classifications, subgrade resilient modulus, CBR, R-values, field tests, slope stability)
  • Soil properties (e.g., strength, permeability, compressibility, phase relationships)
  • Compaction, excavation, embankment, and mass balance
  • Traffic characterization parameters, pavement design, and rehabilitation procedures (e.g., flexible and rigid pavement)
  • Hydrology, including runoff and water quality mitigation measures
  • Hydraulics, including culvert and stormwater collection system design (e.g., inlet capacities, pipe flow, hydraulic energy dissipation, and open-channel flow)
Project Planning
  • Quantity take-off methods
  • Cost estimating
  • Project schedules
  • Activity identification and sequencing
  • Means and Methods
  • Means and Methods (6 Questions)Quiz
  • Topics Covered:
  • Construction loads
  • Construction methods
  • Temporary structures and facilities
Soil Mechanics
  • Lateral earth pressure
  • Soil consolidation
  • Effective and total stresses
  • Bearing capacity
  • Foundation settlement
  • Slope stability
  • Soil classification and boring log interpretation
  • Soil properties (e.g., strength, permeability, compressibility, phase relationships)
  • Concrete (e.g., nonreinforced, reinforced)
  • Structural steel
  • Material test methods and specification conformance
  • Compaction
Analysis and Design
  • Mass balance
  • Hydraulic loading
  • Solids loading (e.g., sediment loading, sludge)
  • Hydraulic flow measurement
Hydraulics–Closed Conduit
  • Energy and/or continuity equation (e.g., Bernoulli, momentum equation)
  • Pressure conduit (e.g., single pipe, force mains, Hazen-Williams, Darcy-Weisbach, major and minor losses)
  • Pump application and analysis, including wet wells, lift stations, and cavitation
  • Pipe network analysis (e.g., series, parallel, and loop networks)
Hydraulics–Open Channel
  • Open-channel flow
  • Hydraulic energy dissipation
  • Stormwater collection and drainage (e.g., culvert, stormwater inlets, gutter flow, street flow, storm sewer pipes)
  • Sub- and supercritical flow
  • Storm characteristics (e.g., storm frequency, rainfall measurement, and distribution)
  • Runoff analysis (e.g., Rational and SCS/NRCS methods)
  • Hydrograph development and applications, including synthetic hydrographs
  • Rainfall intensity, duration, and frequency
  • Time of concentration
  • Rainfall and stream gauging stations
  • Depletions (e.g., evaporation, detention, percolation, and diversions)
  • Stormwater management (e.g., detention ponds, retention ponds, infiltration systems, and swales)
Groundwater and Wells
  • Aquifers
  • Groundwater flow
  • Well analysis–steady state
Surface Water and Groundwater Quality
  • Stream degradation and oxygen dynamics
  • Total maximum daily load (TMDL) (e.g., nutrient contamination, DO, load allocation)
  • Biological and chemical contaminants
Drinking Water Distribution and Treatment
  • Drinking water distribution systems
  • Drinking water treatment processes
  • Demands
  • Storage
  • Sedimentation
  • Taste and odor control
  • Rapid mixing (e.g., coagulation)
  • Flocculation
  • Filtration
  • Disinfection, including disinfection byproducts
  • Hardness and softening
Wastewater Collection and Treatment
  • Wastewater collection systems (e.g., lift stations, sewer networks, infiltration, inflow, smoke testing, maintenance, and odor control)
  • Wastewater treatment processes
  • Wastewater flow rates
  • Preliminary treatment
  • Primary treatment
  • Secondary treatment (e.g., physical, chemical, and biological processes)
  • Nitrification/denitrification
  • Phosphorus removal
  • Solids treatment, handling, and disposal
  • Digestion
  • Disinfection
  • Advanced treatment (e.g., physical, chemical, and biological processes)
Project Sitework
  • Excavation and embankment (e.g., grading, cut and fill)
  • Construction site layout and control
  • Temporary and permanent soil erosion and sediment control (e.g., construction erosion control and permits, sediment transport, channel/outlet protection)
  • Impact of construction on adjacent facilities
  • Safety (e.g., construction, roadside, work zone)
  • Basic horizontal and vertical curve elements
  • Retaining walls
  • Construction methods
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